Friday, December 30, 2011

In The Beginning......

This is my first post using Blogger. I have been writing my journey on the Weight Watchers site, but after finding a few blogs that I enjoy I have decided to go this route. I will still post to my Weight Watcher Blog but I am thinking I will use this site as my template for that information. That being said, I will give you a little back ground about myself. I am a 52 (soon to be 53) year old mother of 4 and grandmother of 7. I have been overweight for the better part of 2o plus years, but I have been dieting most of my life. As I look back at pictures of myself in the past I wonder why I thought I needed to loose weight all of those years ago.

I have been on every yo-yo diet that has come down the pike. Atkins, South Beach, Grapefruit, Cabbage Soup, Herbal name it, I've done it. I've even done the "go to the weight doctor and get pills and B12 shots" diet. I had some success with all of these diets, but as soon as I went off of them, the weight came back more.

I started going to Weight Watchers Feb. 21, 2011. I weighed in at 243.4 pounds and that is 100 pounds too much. I have tried and tried to loose weight on my own, but let's face it...if I could do it on my own I wouldn't have gained all of that weight to begin with. So I chose Weight Watchers. I did some research before joining WW. I was watching The Biggest Loser on tv and I thought..."I can do that". So I started looking on the internet for their "diet plan". I also looked at Jenny Criag and Nutri system. The only problem with them is you have to buy their food and I needed to learn how to take care of myself for the rest of my life. I didn't want to be stuck having to stay on someone else's food for the rest of my life. Then one evening, I saw a commercial for WW with Jennifer Hudson in it. Dang! She lost a ton of weight! So, I looked into Weight Watchers and decided that was the ticket.

So, I've been at this now for 10 months and I've lost a total of 35 pounds. It's been hard, but I am not giving up. I had hoped to lose the average of 2 pounds a week, but that isn't happening, at least not yet. I'm not giving up...not by a long shot. Well, I guess that's about it for now. Other than to let you know that my ultimate goal is to get down to 135 pounds and wear an awesome little red dress for my 40th high school reunion...which is in 2017. No sense in waiting til then to get the show on the road as they say. Let the journey continue.....

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