Monday, February 13, 2012

Monday, Monday....

"Monday Monday, so good to me, Monday Monday, it was all I hoped it would be" The song from the Momas & the Papas was stuck in my head this morning. Funny how songs become soundtracks to our life. On the other hand, I guess it is better than the Bangle's "Manic Monday"

This past weekend was cold. I mean freeze your toes, hate it for you... cold. Cold temps and blustery winds make Mary a sad girl....because I wanted to do is eat comfort food. Spaghetti and pumpkin pie. Well, I only had one very small slice of pumpkin pie.  Can you say "Carb Overload"?  I knew that you could!  Ha! And just when I thought I was being good at only having one piece of pumpkin dear sweet dearly departed (not really dearly departed yet, but he will if he keeps this up) brings me home a package of Hostess chocolate cupcakes. Yup...he brought that "crack" right into my house. I can not say no to those things. They sit on the counter calling my name with a bullhorn. *Mary....Mary....we're over here....Mary...ooohhh Maaarryyyy!* But not to worry...they are gone now. Yes, I ate them. But I'm not gonna make myself feel bad about it.  It is what it is....and they are gone. So, today is a new day. good to me. 

For breakfast I made myself some rolled oats made with cinnamon, 2 packets of Splenda and a tablespoon of peanut butter. I am addicted to PB in oatmeal these days. it!  For lunch it was a piece of the veggie quiche I made yesterday morning for breakfast with a side salad. Sorry guys...I forgot to take pics again. I took chicken breast and a piece of steak out of the freezer to make stir fry tonight. I'll take pics and post the recipe later. 

The big news of the weekend was we got another puppy yesterday. Well, he's not really a puppy he is about 6 years old and he is the cutest little beagle you ever saw. From what I was told by the girl who found him was that he was dumped at the local park a couple of days ago. No chip...he's a little on the skinny side, but I'll fix that.  Charlie...(that's his name for now anyway) has TBA (Total Beagle Attidude) Haha!  I brought him home and made sure that my other hoodlums (3 boxers and 1 beagle/basset mix) met him properly and so far so good. I may end up changing my blog from my weight loss journey to "Adventures in living in a house full of dogs" Ha ha!  Not really...but maybe. 

"Downtown Charlie Brown"

I snapped this pic of him while giving him a treat. He sat right up in the "sit pretty" pose without even being told. I just told him to sit....and he did ...and then up went his little body and front legs. I'm surprised I got this pic because I was shocked. The most my other dogs do is sit...and maybe "shake" on a good day. He is so well behaved. He's housebroken and to this typing...has not barked even once. I have been calling him "Downtown Charlie Brown" ...because he is such a smooth character. That and all of my other dogs have cartoon character names...except Holly. We have Boo-Boo, Rocky and Pixie (aka Baby Puppy). Precious and Dixie have been gone for a couple of years now, so in keeping with the cartoon theme...he is Charlie Brown. He looks like a "Charlie", doesn't he? Well, I think so. 

Well...I'm off to try to figure out whether to make chicken or beef stir fry. I'm leaning towards the beef because I think I want to make skinny chicken parmesan tomorrow for our Valentines dinner. I don't like to go out on Valentines because of the staying home and making something 'fancy' is a cool way to spend the evening with the hubs.  I'll definitely have to remember to take pics while I'm making that for posting purposes. Hope everyone is having a wonderful Valentines Eve. 

What are you doing tomorrow for Valentines? Are you making anything special? I'd love to hear about it...let me know!

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