Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A pound is a pound is a pound...

I skipped spin and Zumba this morning. I just felt kinda "off". I did get dressed and drove all of the way up to the gym, but when I pulled into the parking lot I started feeling a little light headed. I've had these before and that usually signals a tune up is needed on my pacemaker. Plus, I forgot to eat my breakfast this morning opting instead for grabbing a banana as I was heading out the door....running late as usual these days.

I usually do the Zumba and then kill time until my Weight Watcher meeting to weigh in, but since I blew off Zumba I figured I should just go weigh in and head home. So that's what I did. No staying for the meeting this morning. While I was standing there waiting my turn I just kept feeling like the rooms was swaying. I really hate it when I go thru this. It sucks....really sucks. 

On the bright side...I lost a pound. Not a huge loss...but a loss just the same. When I have these small losses, a friend of mine told me to imagine something real of that weight and that is what came off of my body. So I am thinking I lost a pound of butter. A pound is a pound and a loss is a loss, no matter how small. At least the scale has started moving in the right direction again....this week anyway. 

I also found out some bad news...my high school class is having a 35 year reunion this July. I thought I would have more time to loose the weight. So my dream of wanting to wear that little red dress at my next reunion just flew out of the window. *Sad Face*  

But on the bright side...I do have til July to loose more. I just have to buckle down and do-it...do-it...do-it. 

I follow a gal who does a blog called "Just a one girl revolution". She mentioned that she read a book called The Violets Of March by Sarah Jio, so I checked it out.

It came with some good reviews so I ordered it from my local book store. I got it last Friday and read chapter one the first night. It was pretty good. But with "stuff" (meaning football games) going on over the weekend, I didn't pick it back up until yesterday afternoon. I made myself a cup of hot tea and plopped myself down on the love seat for a bit of a read. Next thing I know it was going on 5pm and Jim was coming through the door. I read eleven chapters...eleven! I couldn't put it down. It is pretty good. I recommend it. I'm usually like this with Nicholas Sparks books...but this author is new to me so I am pleasantly surprised. So, I'm going to close this out and head into the kitchen to make another cup of tea and see what happens next.  I can't wait....So, is there a book that you love? Let me know, I'd love to check it out!

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