Thursday, February 2, 2012

Time to buckle down

I will have to admit that I have not been putting my whole heart into the Weight Watcher thing the last couple of months. I'm not sure if it was because of my fear of failure during the holidays...or just me. But I have to do something and soon if I'm ever going to turn this ship around and start heading into the right direction. So this is what I have decided:

1. makes a difference and I know that. I just have been doing it sort of half way for a bit.         Time to buckle down.

2. I've joined the "What I Ate Wednesday" club to put out in the blog world what I'm eating. It's one thing to log it into the WW tracker, it's quite another to admit that you've been cramming gummy bears or chips into your mouth all day. (which by the way...I haven't) But I need to be held more accountable about what I am eating. Hopefully this will help too.

3. Join the "Junk Food Free February" campagin whole heartedly. I look at it as being another challenge to myself to keep on track.

4. I have also decided to switch back to my Laurens Weight Watcher meetings. My leader (and friend) Eunice says I have a connection with them and they have helped me get to where I am. So, I'm going back. If I can drive home from Zumba 30 miles away in the dark, then I can drive home from WW in Laurens 7 miles at dusk. So, starting tonight...I'm going back to Laurens. Besides, I miss them. :)

Well, that's about it for now. I'm sure after the meeting tonight the girls will give me more ideas to help me and I'll incorporate them into the plan. By the way...I found something that is kinda awesome.  Well, maybe more than just kinda...

It's a recipe that I tweeked from Janetha @ Meals and Moves blog. Here is the link to her recipe called Apple Pie A La Mode:

But here is my recipe:

1 6oz container of Chobani Apple Cinnamon
6 oz Almond Breeze Unsweetened Vanilla Milk
1 packet of Weight Watchers Vanilla Smoothie Mix
Dash of cinnamon
4 or 5 ice cubes
(Fat Free Reddi Whip, optional)

I ran it through the recipe builder (w/o the whip cream) and it came up to 7 points plus. It's pretty filling and an awesome lunch after Zumba. Combine it with a sliced apple or pear or even a small mixed green salad and you have a bang up meal.

Ok, I'm off to enjoy my version of my Apple Pie A La Mode Smoothie. Do you have a recipe for a smoothie you'd like to share? I'd love to hear from you. I am always looking for new and delicious ways to make smoothies, especially in the summer. Thanks!

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