Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What I ate Wednesday

I have seen several (well, maybe more than just several) blogs that do the "What I ate Wednesday"  (WIAW) thing and I have been tempted to chime in. The only problem with that thinking is that if I'm gonna do it, I want to be honest...completely honest about what I eat on those days. The thought has occurred to me that maybe I should start next week as my Weight Watcher leader Eunice reads these posts. I don't wanna give her a heart attack...or get the "what are you doing" lecture. But still, it is what it is and maybe this will make me be more accountable to what I'm shoving in my mouth on that particular day.  So here goes....(sorry about the lack of pics for each meal...I didn't decide to do this until now.)

1 cup of old fashioned rolled oats topped with 1 tbsp. peanut butter and a banana.
2 cups (small) coffee with FF half & half and splenda

Chobani yogurt...Mango flavor with 2 tbsp. of Bear Naked Vanilla Almond granola
16 oz of lemon water (Sams choice)

2 home made beef fajitas made with mushrooms, onions and peppers....lots of onions and peppers. Topped with 1 tbsp. sour cream and 2% cheddar cheese. 

It was a terrible day as I look at what I ate. My veggies came from the fajitas and there was by no stretch of the imagination the right amount of servings for the day. Oh well, tomorrow is another day. (I'm channeling my inner Scarlett O'Hara)